The Journey Begins Here

Building a wind farm doesn’t necessarily need to be a long and exhausting process. On this site I try to tell what works (and what does not work) in the development and construction of wind farms

This is how it all started…

Many years ago, I had the opportunity to switch from the sector I was working in (infrastructure design) to renewables.
It seemed like an extremely interesting world to me, and I decided to start writing a blog to report on what I was discovering and what I found most interesting.
15+ years later the website is still up and running.

A lot has happened in the meantime – for example, three children have arrived, making it increasingly difficult to find the time to update it.
I hope you will excuse me if I am unable to write often. Of course if you feel like collaborating and sharing content you are welcome!
Happy reading, Francesco

Francesco Miceli

Writer & Engineer

Some articles you might find interesting

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    BoP –> Sourcing

    And so, after 15 years of BoP, I decided to start a new chapter and move to Sourcing. I think I will be able to update the blog from time to time thanks to friends and colleagues who are still in BoP. If you happen to have experience in the field and would like to…

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  • Internal roads optimization: an update

    Internal roads optimization: an update

    These vacation days I am managing to find time to work on my “automatic wind farm optimization” project.Yesterday I managed to add a new feature to the optimization of wind farm internal roads.In the new version, the algorithm is also able to consider existing roads and “no-go-areas” (areas that cannot be used due to environmental…

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  • Wind farm internal roads optimization

    Wind farm internal roads optimization

    In parallel with the optimization of crane pads (you can find the article on the topic here) I am also trying to automate the calculation of wind farm internal roads. At the moment I have developed three solutions: the first joins the turbines looking for the minimum spanning tree (MST), i.e., the shortest possible connection….

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