Month: July 2012
Wind farm civil works projects: typical errors
Here you have my collection of errors I frequently see when I check wind farm project developed by external companies. Being a quite peculiar sector is no surprise that I normally found several mistakes: here you have the most commons. Error #1: two levels crane pad / foundation area designed without considering the slopes…
Geotechnical survey for a wind farm: standard field and laboratory tests
In general, the geotechnical study of a wind farm should describe the terrain in order to provide the necessary information to develop the following works: Turbine foundation project: definition of the allowable soil bearing capacity and the most appropriate type of foundation (e.g. shallow, semi-deep, foundation on piles, etc..). Wind farm access roads and hardstands…
Concrete towers for onshore wind farms: an overview
Concrete towers are still an uncommon solution nowadays, basically they are still more expensive than they steel counterparts. But the trend we see in the market is toward highest tower, of 100 meters and above, while current 2MW-3MW turbines normally have an hub height around 80 meters: this can lead to situation where an hybrid…