BoP cost in China

I stole this video from Gang Wang’s LinkedIn post.

I saw in his profile that we were colleagues at Vestas years ago.

A typical 20x5MW-191 HH160 hybrid ONWTG 100MW project’s CAPEX breakdown in CN mid-east low wind speed area:

WTG: 1,600 RMB/kW
Hybrid Tower: 800 RMB/kW
BOP: 1,400-1,800 RMB/kW

The video is especially interesting for two reasons: because they are erecting the rotor of a turbine of this size (5MW, 160 meters hub height) on the ground and lifting the three blades all together, and because Gang gives us an indication of the cost of a project in China.

What is particularly surprising is not so much the price of the turbine – which anyway at 220K USD/MW is unbelievable by Western standard – it is the price of the BoP, which at 250K USD/MW is comparable to what you see around the world.

Doing some numbers, it seems that the BoP of the project (20 turbines) cost around 25 million dollars: less than what it would cost in Europe, but still not as incredible as the cost of the turbine.

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