Author: Francesco Miceli

  • A mind map for BoP

    A mind map for BoP

    Yesterday while I was traveling to meet my family in Italy I started thinking at how a mind map for the BoP would look like. Luckily the train had a free internet connection and I have found a bunch of website helping you to create a mind map online (for this particular exercise I have…

  • Vortex bladeless wind turbines

    I have always seen the wind induced vortexes as a problem – they create vibrations in the tower, that in some cases can start to resonate with the eigenfrequencies (the natural frequencies of the structure) and in the most extreme cases even collapse. The existence of such vibrations is one of the reasons why it looks…

  • How many of us are there? Wind energy sector employees

    It is no secret that the wind business is going through a turbulent period, with several players in the sectors experiencing a tough time. I was wondering how many people are currently employed in Wind and I have found this interesting report from IRENA (the International Renewable Energy Agency). I have discovered several interesting things:…

  • Wind turbine tower as a water battery: the Gaildorf Wind-Water Project

    Did you ever think at the amount of empty, unused space in the bottom of a wind turbine? Any idea how to use it? Well, the folks at Max Bögl (a German conglomerate active in several sectors) have decided that it could be a good idea to fill it with water (about 40.000 m3 per turbine,…

  • Order out of chaos: Risk Breakdown Structure

    There is a good number of techniques that can be used to identify risks. Some are techniques focused looking at past (every Tender Manager should be able to create a list of issues he had experienced in past projects), other tools are focused on the present (spending a few hours reviewing your current assumptions should…

  • Risk metalanguage: how to make a proper Risk Register

    One of the key deliverables in project risk management is the risk register. The idea is that after risk identification, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and planning of risk response the tender manger (or project manager) should end having a list with all the risk identified at that point in time. I assume that the content…

  • Rock slingers for a quicker trench sanding & backfill

    Rock slingers for a quicker trench sanding & backfill

    This morning I found by chance this very interesting website (well, it is interesting if you like wind farm constructions…). Basically it is an Australian company using “rock slingers” (that is, conveyors belts connected to a dumper) to backfill trenches mounted on small vehicles (2.5 meters wide). The equipment is made by CAS, an American…

  • Risk & contingencies – a brief introduction

    One of the hot topics frequently discussed in the creation of the budget for big projects is the appropriate contingency level and how to estimate it. My colleague Giuseppe had found an interesting paper online that has been the starting point for this post. So, what are contingencies? Some far reaching definitions consider different typologies…

  • Blades installation: more options than you might think

    How are the blades of the wind turbines installed? Although in general each wind turbine model has only one installation procedure, several technical alternatives have been developed through the years. The quicker and easier method is probably to assembly the rotor on the ground. The three blades are connected to the hub and then lifted…

  • Do not trust me: reliance of data in EPCs

    EPC contracts frequently include a clause on the reliance of data. It has several formulations, but it usually looks something like this: “Employer-Provided Information has been made available for reference only. The Employer makes no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness and reliability of any information, data, statement in the Employer-Provided Information.” The objective is…