Author: Francesco Miceli

  • The new playing filed: multi-brand wind turbines service

    Yesterday I had the pleasure to meet my friend J. here in Hamburg. J. works for V., a very big Danish wind turbine manufacture. Specifically he works in what looks like the new battle field for our industry – multi brand wind turbine operation and maintenance (O&M). Basically it means that V. is offering not…

  • Readers’ questions: may I use an anchor cage somewhere else?

    I’ve just received this question from a reader. As I believe it’s an interesting topic I’ve decided to answer with a post instead of an email or in the comment section. “I’m custom broker and I have to classify under HS Code an anchor cage. I have consulted to Classification Office of Argentine Customs Service…

  • Peikko rock adaptor foundation

    I’ve been asked by a reader of this website why there are no references to the various technical solutions available for wind turbines on rock. The truth is that I’m not a specialist on this topic. However I’m learning, due to the fact that I’m currently working at several projects in northern Europe where it…

  • There is always a second time: wind farm repowering

    At the beginning of the year I’ve had the pleasure to work at my first repowering EPC – Vergao, in Portugal, together with Generg (a big local player). This is supposed to be one of the many projects that should materialize during the next years. My former manager Luis Miguel thinks that repowering is “the…

  • BoltShield® anchor bolts rust protector cap

    Some weeks ago I’ve been contacted by a company developing an interesting product – a tailor made protector cap for anchor bolts. I’ve notices that in some wind farms corrosion of the exposed side of the anchor bolt can be a problem. For instance, it’s not unusual to observe this phenomenon in areas with high…

  • Liebherr crane configuration codes: what do they actually mean?

    Have you ever wondered what is the logic behind the crane configuration codes used by Liebherr? How could an unintelligible code such as “SL13DFB” being interpreted? There is a logic behind the letters used – it has to be found in the German roots of the company. The letters most frequently used in wind farm…

  • Invest in wind energy option #1 – buy wind turbines

    This is the first of several post that I’d like to write in the next weeks about investing in wind energy. There are several possible alternatives to invest in wind energy, or more broadly in renewables: stocks, managed funds, ETFs or even direct investment in the development of a project. The option described in this…

  • Invest in wind energy option #2 – stocks and ETFs

    A second alternative to invest in wind energy is given by stocks and ETFs of companies in the energy. There are many “renewable energies” ETF and a bunch of solar ETFs. However the choice for wind ETF is much more limited. There used to be one ETF form Invesco (PWND) specialized in pure wind players…

  • Wind Energy in Finland

    One of the things I enjoy more in my job is that it gives me the possibility to work in several  different countries. In  the last months I’ve had the pleasure to visit several time Finland for a project developed by Neoen (the French developer that it’s about to launch its IPO) and Prokon. It’s…

  • Wind farm construction steps: generic timeline infographic

    One of the pleasures of fatherhood is the fact that you have quite a lot of extra times during the night – if your kids do not sleep. Yesterday night has been exceptionally short due to a son diving out of the bed and hitting his head and another who decided that at 6 AM…